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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial.

   Two days ago in Orlando, Florida Casey Anthony was acquitted on charges of murdering her two year old daughter,  Caylee Anthony. On Thursday Casey Anthony was sent back to jail to serve the remaining six days of her sentence for her conviction on four counts of giving false information to the police. She will be released July 13.  Ms. Anthony may also be required to reimbuerse the city for money spent searching for Caylee.
   Most of the world shocked by the jury's decisions. Prosecutors had spent thousands of dollars and man hours trying to prove her guilty, but struggled to prove Caylee's cause of death. The prosecution did have a lot of circumstantial evidence like, the photos of Casey Anthony dancing, while her daughter was decomposing in a swamp, and claiming that her daughter was kidnapped by a nanny but didn't report it for thirty-one days. During her time in jail Ms. Anthony seemed more worried about herself, than her distressed family and telling them that "calling you guys was a huge waste." So the question now is who went easy on Casey Anthony? The jurors made up of a grandmother, a lawyers daughter, and a young gym teacher refused to be interviewed by the press. While the world was shocked by the news Casey Anthony's lawyer erupted in joy and the state attorney was subdued.

Casey Anthony

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